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Women Testimonials

What People Are Saying About 


My jaw had hurt for a long time. After seeing Tara, I can honestly say that it never hurt again.


A woman who ended her jaw pain and TMJD with TMJ massage, and neck massage.
A woman who was suffering with loss of cervical curve, chronic neck pain, and headaches.

Tara is incredibly talented & so good at what she does. I am so grateful I found her. On my first visit with Tara as soon as I walked through the door she was able to tell me--just by looking--what it took an x-ray to show. That I had a loss of cervical curvature. She worked specifically with different techniques for my neck & jaw and I had immediate relief. She is working with me to help restore my cervical curvature and helping me restore my upper body back to health. She is a miracle worker and so kind!

Melissa Babasin  (Photographer)

A woman who was suffering with pelvic pain and had tried pelvic floor PT with no results.

Prior to seeing Tara, I had already been treated by three different physicians for pelvic floor pain - including manual therapy for each. At this point, I had been struggling with the pain for about 2 years. I was feeling highly discouraged and hopeless about getting relief from my pain. The first thing that struck me in working with Tara was her coaching and encouragement to acknowledge and treat the emotional AND physical aspects of my pain. Her coaching on calming my nervous system and reframing my mindset with regard to the pain helped me instantly. 


Over time, my pelvic pain has significantly reduced. Not only has Tara treated my pelvic floor, but she has also provided massage therapy, which I can say she is truly gifted at! She has such an intuition about not only which areas to focus on, but also the right words to say to put her patients at ease. I truly feel like I may never want to get a massage from another practitioner again because there's no comparison. 


I plan to continue seeing Tara even though my pelvic pain has reduced significantly. I consider her intuition, manual therapy, and positive energy a key piece of managing my overall health and worth every penny. She is such a gift!



A woman who ended her chronic neck pain and chronic shoulder pain using Tara Lee Clasen's manual massage therapy

Tara's expertise and healing hands has been a life-changing experience. I am happily in awe with how my body has responded. In the past, after body work, chiropractic care or massages I was very sore for days and couldn't do much. Sometimes after neck work, I wouldn't be able to turn my head for up to 4 days or drive, but Tara has such a special touch and way with the neck, I do not lose mobility at all post-treatments! I gain mobility and am able to move in ways I haven't been able to for many years. Even after years of physical therapy & chiropractic care. After my appointments with Tara, I woke up feeling great in the days following. I am 32 and thought I was destined to live in pain forever. I felt hope after one appointment. And after having a few more appointments I now know I am healing so much. Not only does she heal your body physically Tara also helps the body to heal socially/emotionally & spiritually. I'm so thankful to feel pain-free after many years! Each and every day has been better since I made the choice to work with Tara! Highly recommended!

Hannah Engles 

A woman who ended her struggles with neck pain, migraines, headaches, TMJ, TMJD, and chronic pain.

I experience chronic migraines and have tried various approaches for relief (acupuncture, massage, supplements, elimination diet, working with a naturopath and neurologist) and thought I'd see if working with Tara could help me find relief. Even during our initial interactions, I found myself feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time. Tara is warm, nurturing, and incredibly grounding. After my first visit, I was migraine free for a longer time than I had been in years. We are working on my pelvic floor, neck and jaw....helping my mind, body and spirit all find relief. Tara helps me feel comfortable and attends to my trauma history in empowering ways. As a psychologist myself who has done years of my own therapy, I appreciated her attentiveness, intuitive wisdom, ability to listen to me (both my words and my body) and attune to what I needed. Her voice, touch, emotional attunement and knowledge all bring me comfort, peaceful energy and open up by body to benefit from her manual therapy. Tara was quickly able to note structural aspects to my neck that were likely contributing to my migraines and has connected me with other providers to address various other aspects to my health that will support relief. Even after the first appointment, I thought if she did the exact same thing each time...I would feel amazing. Yet, each visit feels different and more beneficial as she attends to what my body is needing that specific time. My jaw is relaxing and I am even beginning to notice benefits to my facial structure, feeling more beautiful and like myself. Tara has been such a gift to me and I genuinely look forward to our time together. Her therapy is both energizing and relaxing. I feel like I am finally headed toward a journey of healing and plan to continue seeing Tara for as long as I can. We have identified both short and long-term goals and I am incredibly grateful to have already experienced relief and look forward to continuing to heal and learn from Tara. My body, nervous system and soul are feeling restored!

Dr. Megan Cormier Castaneda 

A woman who ended her struggles with TMJ, TMJD, chronic neck pain, and headaches.

To say Tara changed my life, would be an understatement. I came to her after struggling with health conditions (a tight jaw, a tight neck, and chronic pain) for years. I was also working through trauma and anxiety that had taken hold of my musculoskeletal system. She is truly a healer. I mean that, she understands the anatomy and physiology of a women's body and is able to provide massage, stretching, and maneuvers that helped me start to get better. Once my muscles began relaxing, I noticed positive changes in my mental health. I can not recommend her enough! Do no hesitate to book a session with her today!

Ariel Hawks-Feldman 

A woman who came to Tara for Pelvic Floor Treatment and ended her struggles with pelvic pain.

My doctor referred me to Tara for pelvic floor therapy. Now I knew this was going to be powerful work but it was even more profound than I anticipated. I have a history of childhood sexual trauma and abuse and I knew that taking this on was going to be beyond any kind of therapeutic method I had tried before. Tara made me feel incredibly safe. It was so easy to trust her from the start (not usual for me). Her space is also so inviting. What I especially love is how she meets you where you're at. She's not pushing you to go beyond yet she definitely facilitates what she can sense you're ready for. I released so much grief and anger in this first session. I'm excited for the continued work as I'll be booking the 6 sessions with Tara. Tara holds such Sacred Space for your full healing. I'd call her a "healer for healers." I'm grateful to have finally found this work and wish I had found it sooner!

Siena L.

Woman who increased her neck's range of motion by seeing Tara. Tara offers treatment for TMJD, whiplash,  and neck pain.

I have never written an online review before but Tara is just too awesome to not want to share her with others!! I am not even sure where to start!
I have seen her for chronic issues in my neck and shoulders. At some point a few years ago I realized I could not lie on my stomach with my cheek flat to the ground (think relaxation position after bow pose in yoga). Amazingly and in just one session I regained that mobility!
I play a lot of tennis and occasionally have pain in my wrist and elbow. She just works it right out and I have never suffered from any of the reoccurring injuries that most of my tennis friends deal with.
Whenever I do something that doesn’t quite agree with my body (note: getting older is such a pain)- usually back, neck, shoulders- I book an extra session with her to work it out. She never fails to know exactly what my body needs to get back on track to feeling better.
In addition to her very strong and intuitive healing hands, she’s such a gentle soul. I just feel at ease and at peace with her.
I really cannot recommend her enough. She is a total gift!!!

Andrea Findley 

 A woman able to garden  after treatment for neck pain and jaw pain. TMJ relief.

My neck issues began about 25 years ago. I moved to Bend, Oregon in 2005 and began to experience more and more neck pain while trying to do the things I love, garden, garden, garden and hike, hike, and hike. I found a wonderful acupuncturist who was helping and at that time; however, my neck was still a problem.  My acupuncturist recommended Tara Lee Clasen. 


I had my first appointment and was amazed, I had never experienced any neck work like it in my life. I was open to all her different types of treatment and from the first appointment to my last, she always had a way of making me feel better; Not only by her magical massages but her unbelievably caring spirit. 


I completely relied on her for not only my neck relief but her friendship.  Then the bad news.....Tara was moving to Portland.  She would periodically come into Bend and reach out to me to set up a time to see each other and proactively maintain my neck health. 


If there was one reason to move to Portland, it would be so I could continue my treatment with Tara. Seeing her gave me the confidence that I would be able to continue to do the activities most important to my life. 


Healing my neck pain has allowed me to be in nature, move through nature and continue my passion of growing things in nature. 


I am now 65 and need her back in my life.  If you are lucky enough to meet her and experience her healing touch, you have been blessed. 


A forever grateful client and now friend.


Kara M.

Woman who received relief from jaw pain, TMJ Pain, TMJD, neck pain, and headaches.  She calls TLC the "neck master".

I started going to Tara in 2004 due to chronic upper body tension. It wasn't her extensive knowledge that blew my mind; What blew my mind was how she understands—on a much deeper level—how to manipulate the muscles that aren’t even obvious. 


I am a cosmetologist, EEMCP and a Yoga teacher. All of my professions require the use of my body. It is essential for me to receive bodywork in order to stay balanced and pain-free. Tara brings your body back into homeostasis.


I rely on Tara’s knowledge and trust her ability. Every single time she amazes me. I haven’t met masters of many things in my life but Tara Clasen is truly a master. 


Sundari L.

Glowing woman with healthy skin and healthy digestion after doing Clinical Ayurveda and massage with Tara.

When I came to Tara for help with Ayurveda, I was in a bad place - a smoker trying to quit and feeling the effects of being overweight. After several appointments with Tara, I realized that I was eating the wrong foods for my system and that by berating myself about smoking and being overweight I was sabotaging my efforts. For the first time, I realized that my negative inner voice had to end.


The harder I had tried to quit smoking the more I smoked and the more I tried to honor my body with healthy food choices the worse I felt. I was constantly feeling sluggish and had no energy.


Working with Tara I learned that certain foods, combinations of foods, and spices could heal my body and the herbs Tara prescribed helped my energy, digestion and mood.


She taught me how to create a healing space where I was allowed to smoke and write in a journal. This created a feeling of restfulness in my soul. I was able to see myself in a positive light--much like saying grace before a meal. Soon I didn't need the tobacco because I realized that what I was really looking for was some time alone.


This April 11th marks my five-year anniversary without cigarettes. Contrary to the popular myth, I have not gained weight and in fact, I have lost weight. I have gained a love for movement in my body and now enjoy being physically active. I feel better than I have for many years.


If you are thinking of exploring Ayurveda I am here to say give it a chance. You will becoming in-tune with your self and your physical needs, gain optimum performance and increase your quality of life. Apart from being just a plain fabulous human, Tara does the most amazing bodywork I've ever experienced!



Jenny S. 

Healthy young woman with glowing skin and blue eyes that comes to Tara Lee Clasen for Clinical Ayurveda and myofascial release.

I have been receiving bodywork from Tara for almost a decade and as a clinically trained Ayurvedic Practitioner myself, I have very high standards. From our first meeting, Tara instinctively knew everything that my body wanted and needed. Throughout our sessions, I have enjoyed abhyanga, Shirodhara, sound therapy, aromatherapy, intra-oral massage and pelvic floor release. With these therapies my body has healed in ways I didn't even know it needed to.


I love working with Tara because she is patient and respectful but also gently pushes me outside of my comfort zone when needed. She is my number one go-to for physical and energetic healing and I will continue to work with her for as long as she offers services.


Anne A.

Glowing female acupuncturist that received deep tissue massage therapy.

Tara is a gifted healer with a wonderful heart. Her massages come from her soul and are truly healing. She not only quickly assesses your needs, she addresses them in creative and effective ways that will have you feeling better immediately. I highly recommend her!


Karly Bannister LAc (Acupuncturist)

Artistic flowering uterus image that represents pelvic floor health.

Tara helped me start a meditation practice for myself. It has changed everything. 


Anne M. 

Artistic flowering uterus image that represents pelvic floor health.

I was dealing with some deeply personal issues when I came to Tara for Ayurveda and it was hard for me to want to talk about my emotional health. I had a lot of overwhelming anxiety and digestion issues and I was starting to get hot flashes. I had been told to get on hormone injections but I was desperate for all over change and wanted to try something else. There were a lot of things that were difficult for me to change but over months I made progress. We worked on a lot of "lifestyle changes". Tara also had me take three herbal formulas and I could feel the difference. Tara explained that if I improved my body's digestion and health that my body would be able to better respond to menopause. I was able to end my hot flashes! The herbs were not in my everyday budget but I learned that after my body healed I would be able to maintain my health with my lifestyle and food choices. And I have found that to be totally true! My heart is feeling lighter and I no longer have the anxiety I used to. 



Female cyclist on the road with a lake and hills behind after receiving energy work and physical medicine.

Tara's touch is very intuitive and her precision is incredible and healing. She releases areas of restriction inside the body which is physically and emotionally freeing; Movement is restored in areas that have felt stuck or painful. Tara's work is present and connected. She is my favorite healer ever. Her work is truly appreciated, I am blessed and grateful to have her in my life. 


Nancy L. Pfeiffer

A woman who worked with Tara, and own her nervous system, to take control  of her TMJ pain and TMJD diagnosis.

I'm grateful to have found Tara, who is intuitive and compassionate when treating my chronic TMJ and neck issues. She is a true holistic healer and her manual therapy has been very effective. She has also helped me calm my anxious mind by helping me breathe deeply when we're in session. I leave her office feeling lighter in my jaw and neck, but also calmer in my mind. I feel so grateful to have found Tara and can't recommend her more highly to other women looking to address their jaw, neck and pelvic issues.


Helen Xue 





A beautiful woman by the rushing Deschutes river after taking herbal medicine and doing Ayurveda with Tara Lee Clasen.

Testimony coming soon. 



Cycling Testimonials
Vegan manual massage therapist Tara Lee Clasen with cyclists on the beach after finishing a cross-country cycling tour. Her favorite client is taking a selfie.
Tara Lee Clasen holding a large healthy vegan dish with the cyclist she performs massage on behind her.

Coast to Coast Cycling Testimonials 

100 miles a day for 42 days, my body was breaking down. Without Tara, I wouldn't have been able to do it.


Logo of pelvis in bike wheel. Tara was the sole sports massage therapist on over 44,000 miles of coast to coast cycling tours
Female cyclist standing in front of a waterfall after getting manual massage therapy.

I was lucky to spend 6 weeks with Tara Clasen while cycling twice across the USA from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine. Tara is a passionate advocate for living more healthily and mindfully. She’s a world-class soigneur, an exceptional bodyworker, a fabulously creative vegan cook, and more. Her commitment to walking the walk of healthy, mindful living has motivated me to make meaningful changes in my own life. How often can you say that about another person? Tara’s a role model for me and her messages deserve a broad audience.


Joanne Ernst   |   Ironman Triathlon World Champion, 1985   |   Triathlete of the Year, 1985   |   2XCross Country Cyclist

Physical therapy client and female cyclist accomplishing her dream of riding across country and crediting Tara's Massage.

While I knew that signing up for periodic massages would be helpful in my dream bicycle adventure across the USA, I found that Tara’s support became crucial in allowing me to bike every single inch of the journey!  Tara’s support came in 3 forms: 


1) Massages/bodywork


2) Healthy PowerFoods


3) Emotional/Encouragement


In terms of bodywork, I benefited from regular cyclist-specific massages, coaching on rolling and icing, as well as some emergency work on my left calf.  On the day that we crossed the Continental Divide in a cool rain, my calf seized up and I could hardly walk at the end of the ride.  Tara fit me into her busy schedule to relax the specific muscle and coached me on its care, allowing me to continue the trip, albeit slowly for the next 3 days, in what otherwise would have placed me in the van.


In terms of PowerFoods, I was surprised and delighted that Tara managed to make healthy and amazing, complex plant-based

salads in her hotel room after providing massages.  Her salads were my Go-To food at lunch each day to power me on our 60-140 mile/day rides.


While I had heard that the cross country challenge was both physical and emotional, I had not counted on the degree of mental toughness needed and found that Tara provided amazing support each day.  She took the time to understand my goals, strengths & weaknesses and fears and quietly spoke to them at rest stops where she provided ice, nourishment and tailored encouragement.  Beyond these three areas, she is also a talented photographer, storyteller/writer and friend!


I highly recommend Tara for bodywork in that her support package goes beyond targeted and enabling massages!


Gayle T.   |   XC cyclist 2019

Vegan male cyclist with massage therapist Tara Lee Clasen at lunch holding a plate of vegan power food.

I can’t say enough great things about Tara and her all-around excellent skills surrounding vegan food, performance and sports massage.  This was my first cross-country bicycle ride and the focus made for a great learning opportunity to tune my body, diet, and push my limits.  One quickly learns how slow-burning carbs at lunch will carry you through the day - and Tara’s delicious vegan pasta, quinoa, lentils and other dishes were always full of flavor and delivered the energy I needed for the last third of the day when I would have been the most tired. 


I’ve had sports massages before so I’m not sure what magic Tara was performing but it delivered beyond my expectations. Massage was the best thing I signed up for and I always knew on those days I could push myself harder because she made recovery for the next day’s ride so much better. Tara was a real pleasure to have on the ride and she made the bonds between the guides and the riders all the more special.


David D.   |   Portland to Portland 2018

Manual massage therapy client on the beach after riding his bike from coast to coast.

In 2018 I cycled across the United States. I went into the trip struggling with bursitis in my right knee for which I was given a cortisone injection a couple of months prior.  The knee did well for the first week or so but started to cause some pretty severe pain during each day’s ride. I hadn’t planned on getting massage because I wasn't thinking it would help me much. I was wrong.  I asked Tara if she could help and she said she could.  I began getting treatments from Tara every 3 days shortly after that day’s ride. Tara knew what areas to focus on to alleviate the pain—not just for the remainder of the day— but for days after.  I credit Tara with helping me finish the trip without missing a single mile.


Thank you Tara!


Paul Steffenson   |   2018 Portland to Portland rider

Physical therapy and massage therapy client riding his bike across the country on an old farm road.

I’ve completed both the Southern and Northern routes across America and have been lucky enough to have Tara assist on both trips. Without a doubt, Tara is the best sports therapist I’ve ever been to.  She was able to fix issues with my hip and hamstrings that I’d had for years and nobody before had successfully treated.  Probably even more important was the friendship and support Tara and her family shared with me.  Having some mental health issues and being so far away from home, Tara was of great support to me.  I’m in awe at how much she contributes to each trip, apart from the obvious massage therapy, Tara also drove support and made vegan lunch meals and generally helped with all sorts of logistics along the way.  I hope to catch up with her again someday.


Rai   |   2x Cross Country Cyclist

Massage therapy clients crossing over the bridge in Portland Oregon.

Testimony coming soon.


Paul   |   Cross Country Cyclist

Older male cyclist & myofascial release client riding his road bike with fall leaves behind him.

Three cross country bike rides have taught me what is essential at the end of a day’s ride: A sports massage by Tara. Prior to 2007, I had never had a sports massage.  But it took only one session with Tara on my first cross country bike trip to convince me that sports massages are essential for muscle health and recovery - and that I had found a true gem in Tara. She not only helped heal and stretch my tight muscles and tendons, but she also increased my awareness of what I could do to prevent overuse injuries. I welcomed a return to Tara’s healing powers on my second cross country ride in 2014, where she, once again, provided excellent massages.  For a senior athlete who places a high value on maintaining flexibility and fitness, I will forever be grateful to Tara for the depth of her knowledge and commitment to excellence. Ever since meeting her in 2007, I have made sports massages an essential part of my life.


Jim C.   |   3x  Cross Country Cyclist

A healthy male athlete is lifting up his bike in celebration after using trigger point therapy and vegan food to accomplish his cross-country ride.

I did a cross-country bicycling trip of 3400 miles in 42 days. Quite simply, I would never have survived without Tara’s outstanding deep-tissue massages tailored to serious cycling in general and to my own considerable aches and pains in particular. I have been getting massages all of my life but Tara’s abilities and personalization were in a league of their own. P.S. Our lunch buffets gave us dozens of options but I always chowed down on Tara’s Vegan delights, which nourished a cyclist’s needs and tasted like the best restaurant fare.


Evan   |   Cross Country Cyclist

Oregon male cyclist with a dinosaur statue behind him at the vegan lunch stop.

In My Big Adventure, I rode from the Pacific to the Atlantic. After eating like a T-Rex for a week, I needed balance and alignment. Tara has 15 years of experience balancing the “open road diner diet” with great vegan dishes that are an entire meal.  She can also re-align deep aches and joint pain like “no bodies” business!


David Miller   |   2X Cross Country Cyclist  2017 &  2019

Aided by vegan food and massage therapy, cyclists pose for a group picture on the beach after riding 3,700 miles.

I have ridden my bicycle 9000 miles across America (on three different trips) with Tara. Tara is the best massage therapist that you could ever imagine. Her expertise allowed me to ride day after day hundreds of miles and complete cycling trips that were outstanding. She goes above and beyond and cooks vegan meals. These trips were each an enjoyable lifetime experience.


Chris   |   2X Cross Country Cyclist

An older male cyclist gives a thumbs up on a massage table while getting the physical therapy of deep tissue massage.

In 2013, I road from Santa Barbra to Charleston. Even though I was able to pedal every mile of that first XC trip, there were nights I wondered how I would make it through the next day. But Tara was always able to cure me, offere exercises and advice to get me through the thick of it. During the trip she was so supportive and caring, many times she brought vegan meals on the road or retrieved my extra bike clothes buried deep in the trailer. I can’t thank her enough for going the extra mile. And her bodywork was so incredible that I became a massage enthusiast. 


Five years later I decided to go across the USA again, so at 75 I cycled from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine.  The first question I asked when I inquired about the trip, was will Tara be on the trip.  When the answer was yes, I knew I was going to make it! On the last day of the trip I told Tara she would have to move to NJ so she could continue to give me great massages. She hasn’t moved yet, so I keep searching for someone as good – you know what, years later and I am still searching!


Paul   |   2X Cross Country Cyclist across the USA 2013 and 2018

Vegan cyclist on the road with hills behind him after getting manual massage therapy.

In August 2018, I rode across country from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine. Coming from the flat roads of Houston, Texas, the Rockies were a challenge.  On Day 3, I suffered left hamstring and right adductor injuries during a long climb at Mount Hood in Oregon. Fortunately, Tara was on the trip and worked on both injuries that evening. She provided a healing oil to aid in my recovery and recommended stretches. I was able to continue riding again on Day 5 with Tara assisting me with stretching and massage at rest stops along the way.   


On Day 15, after a tough 448 miles and 16,000 feet of climbing in four days, my right hamstring suffered a mild strain in Wyoming.  Once again, Tara was able to provide massage, creams and therapy advice. In total I rode 40 days out of the scheduled 42 days of riding and logged 3434 miles. 


 It was a great experience and I thank Tara for getting me through those injuries I suffered on the first third of the ride. She has a strong understanding of muscle issues that arise while cycling and how to manage them. Without her therapy, I believe I would not have been able to continue and finish such a demanding event.


While Tara is there for massage and therapeutic support, she also is also an accomplished plant-based cook. We enjoyed the many specialty salads she prepared for our lunches on the road. At the time I was consuming a lot of meat and dairy, but I converted to a plant-based diet in 2019.


I can highly recommend Tara, excellent massage and vegan food skills.   



Joe  |  Portland to Portland Cyclist & Santa Barbra to Taos (cross country lite) Cyclist 

Smiling English cyclist riding his bike by a wild grass field after receiving a sports massage.

Tara helped me achieve a bucket list dream of cycling across America.


Ian Cross M.D.   |    Cross Country Cyclist

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